Section: New Results

Highlights of the Year

  • Garbage collection for big data on large-memory NUMA machines. We developed NumaGiC, a high-throughput garbage collector for big-data algorithms running on large-memory NUMA machines (see Section  5.1 ). This result, a collaboration with the Whisper team, will be presented at ASPLOS 2015 [29] .

  • Explicit consistency. We propose an alternative approach to the strong-vs.-weak consistency conundrum, explicit consistency. Static analysis identifies precisely what is the minimal amount of synchronisation that is necessary to maintain the invariants required by an application (see Section  6.3.11 ). This result will be presented at EuroSys 2015 [53] .

  • Lower bounds and optimality for CRDTs. This is the first paper to study the inherent lower bounds of replicated data types. The contribution includes derivation of lower bounds for several data types, improvement of some implementations, and proved optimality of others (see Section  6.3.10 ). This result was presented at POPL 2014 [25] .